
Libro: Shamans, Witches and Maya Priests: Native Religion & Ritual in Highland Guatemala

Krystyna Deuss, 2011


Shamans, Witches, and Maya Priests is a study of the “old ways” that still prevail in the Q’anjob’al, Akatek, and Chuj communities of the remote northwestern Cuchumatán mountains. With the help of 102 photographs and 50 illustrations, Deuss paints a vivid picture of the traditional rites and rituals she witnessed over a period of 15 years. These include blood sacrifices for the good of the community and private shamanic rituals as well as black magic. Deuss has also included a selection of the prayers she recorded.

Chamanes, brujos y sacerdotes mayas. Religión y rituales en el altiplano de Guatemala.

Para los lectores españoles estamos incluyendo un CD con la version en español: