
VI Encuentro de Pragmática Intercultural, Cognitiva y Social (EPICS)

Universidad de Sevilla, España. 12-14 de mayo de 2014.

After having addressed issues related to (im)politeness, intercultural pragmatics, interlanguage pragmatics and relevance theory in previous editions, the sixth EPICS Symposium turns its attention to conflict in language. Under the umbrella theme “Pragmatic Perspectives on Language Aggression and Conflict”, EPICS VI aims at providing a forum for practitioners of pragmatics and other related disciplines to present on their latest research, as well as to share experiences and suggest new avenues for research. EPICS VI also wishes to create awareness among graduate students of the growing interest in this area of linguistic expertise within the broad field of pragmatics.

EPICS VI will also host the European launching of the Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict. Co-edited by Pilar Garcés Blitvich (University of North Carolina at Charlotte) and Maria Sifianou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), JLAC focuses on the study of aggression and conflict, as manifested in language, from different perspectives such as discursive, pragmatic, sociolinguistic, cultural, cognitive, applied linguistics, or anthropological. Because of the thematic connections between JLAC and EPICS VI, a selection of the best contributions presented at EPICS VI will be published in a special issue JLAC.