
Juan Gabriel Vásquez en Passa porta. Marzo 6, 20 hrs.

The Read & Meet @ Passa Porta reading club gives you the opportunity to share your reading experiences not only with other readers, but also with the author himself. After Jonathan Coe, Mikhail Shishkin and Manu Joseph, Passa Porta is now welcoming the Colombian writer Juan Gabriel Vásquez. The conversation with the author, hosted byAnnelies Beck, is in English, but the novel chosen is always one that has been widely translated, so it’s possible to read it in your own language.

Vásquez is one of the key figures in a new generation of Latin-American writers. Mario Vargas Llosa called him ‘one of the most original new voices in the region’. Vásquez writes novels, short stories and essays that are all widely translated. The Sound of Things Falling(transl. Anne McLean, Riverhead, 2013, orig. El ruido de las cosas al caer) is his third, masterly novel. In this work he examines the impact of years of Colombian drug terrorism on people’s private lives. He animatedly fictionalises his generation’s trauma by means of an exciting plot and lifelike characters. This book won him the prestigious Spanish Premio Alfaguara in 2011.

Read the review of the novel in the Guardian.

The Passa Porta Bookshop sells these books in several languages, at a discount. Participants are expected to have read the book in advance. It is best to book, since the number of seats is limited.

Vásquez: 06.03 | 20:00 | Passa Porta |

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