
3 PhD positions at the institute for Historical, Literary and Cultural Studies (HLCS). Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

Starting September 1st 2013.

Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

Faculty of Arts

Maximum salary: € 2,612 gross/month
Vacancy number: 23.05.13
Closing date: 1 April 2013

You will work at the research institute for Historical, Literary and Cultural Studies (HLCS) of the Faculty of Arts, starting September 1st 2013. Projects should be in line with one of the institute’s research programmes. Preference will be given to proposals that fit within one of the two Humanities research themes, which are called ‘Europe and its Worlds’ and ‘Language in Mind and Society’ respectively. Descriptions of the themes and HLCS programmes can be found on the following websites:; .

Work environment
Radboud University Nijmegen is strategically located in Europe and is one of the leading academic communities in the Netherlands. Established in 1923, and situated in the oldest city of the Netherlands, it has seven faculties and enrols over 19,000 students in 107 study programmes.
The Faculty of Arts consists of ten departments in the areas of language and culture, history, history of arts, linguistics and business communication, which together cater for about 2,700 students and collaborate closely in teaching and research.

What we expect from you
- You should have a Research Master’s degree (or expect to complete your degree before September 2013) or similar qualifications in one of the disciplines related to HLCS.
- You are result-oriented and have excellent writing skills, as evidenced by a writing sample, such as a chapter from your Master’s thesis or a (forthcoming or published) article or presented conference paper.
- Demonstrable research experience in the field of your proposal will be considered an advantage.

What we have to offer
We offer you:
- employment: 0.8 – 1.0 fte;
- a maximum gross monthly salary of € 2,612 based on a 38-hour working week;
- in addition to the salary: an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3% end-of-year bonus;
- the gross starting salary is € 2,042 per month, based on a 38-hour working week;
- duration of the contract: 18 months with the possibility of extension by 2.5 years;
- you will be classified as a PhD student (promovendus) in the Dutch university job-ranking system (UFO).

Are you interested in our excellent employment conditions?

Would you like to know more?
Further information on: Faculty of Arts

Ms Lisenka Fox, Policy Advisor of the Faculty of Arts
Telephone: + 31 24 3612336

Ms Tanja Döller, Coordinator of the Graduate School for the Humanities
Telephone: + 31 24 3615559

Are you interested?
You can apply by writing a proposal according to the guidelines that can be downloaded here.

Together with your proposal, you should submit:
- a curriculum vitae, including academic qualifications, grades, and a list of publications if applicable;
- a letter explaining your motivation, your interest in the project, and your competence in the research field;
- a writing sample such as a chapter from your Master’s thesis or a forthcoming or published paper;
- a declaration of approval written by your intended supervisor at HLCS.
(Keep in mind that intended supervisors need time to carefully read your proposal before they can decide whether or not to give their approval.)

It is Radboud University Nijmegen’s policy to only accept applications by e-mail. Please send your application, stating vacancy number 23.05.13, to, for the attention of Ms M.E.A. Loock-Cornelissen, before 1 April 2013.
For more information on the application procedure: +31 24 3612916

No commercial propositions please.

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