
Networking event Understanding Latin America: New Challenges and Opportunities (CEDLA-UvA)

Networking event for researchers organized by CEDLA-UvA. Understanding Latin America: New Challenges and Opportunities

DATE: Friday 17 January 2025, 13:30-17:00
VENUE: Vox-Pop, Binnengasthuisstraat 9, Amsterdam

What are pressing developments in Latin America today? And what are the challenges you encounter when doing research in and on the region? How might these be addressed? And what is important to prioritize on the academic, political and societal agenda in the coming years, also in view of the budget cuts?

We invite you to join us for an engaging, interactive afternoon with fellow people doing research in/on LA at Dutch universities as well as the media, NGO’s and the public sector. At this event, organized in celebration of the 60 th anniversary of the Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation of the University of Amsterdam (CEDLA-UvA), we aim to exchange experiences, ideas and concerns about the region, to explore new possibilities for collaboration and research, and to strengthen the network of Latin Americanists based in the Netherlands. Please register here before 10 January

13:30 Arrival and coffee
14:00 Roundtable “The Challenges of Doing Research in/on Latin America Today”
with Carlos Dada (journalist El Faro), Nanneke Winters (ISS-EUR), Soledad Valdivia (Leiden
University), Fabio de Castro (CEDLA-UvA); moderator: Edwin Koopman (VPRO, Trouw)
14:45 World Café, 1 st round
15:30 Break
16:00 World Café, 2 nd round
16:45 Round up: Challenges and new directions
17:00 Drinks and bites
World Café on major themes in LA
A world café is a question-based brainstorm and exchange. We will host two World Café rounds with interdisciplinary, thematic groups, in which we can all exchange the new topics you are working on and the challenges we encounter. Also we will discuss what is important to put on the (research, political and social) agenda in the coming years. People are encouraged to switch groups during the break. We have identified five key themes:
- Politics, polarization and authoritarian (re)turns
- Crime, narcotráfico and other illicit endeavours
- Extractivism and environmental justice
- Migration, refuge and exile
- Gender, race and anti/decolonial struggles
Of course, these themes partly overlap, and historical, economic and social justice struggles underpin them all. When you register, please select the two themes that speak to you most, or add an alternative theme. We will allow space for the creation of two or three more groups. Please register here before 10 January

Organizing committee: Kees Biekart (ISS-EUR), Edwin Koopman, and at CEDLA: Barbara Hogenboom,
Dana Brablec, Nicolás Rodríguez Idarraga and Julienne Weegels.