
Publicación: Latin American Literatures in Global Markets The World Inside. Foro Hispánico, Brill, 2022

Cover Latin American Literatures in Global Markets

Series: Foro Hispánico, Volume: 72

Volume Editors:  Mabel Moraña and  Ana Gallego Cuiñas
Market relations are changing not only the distribution and promotion of literary works but also their content, their language, and their social and political function. This book penetrates the intricacies of literary production, circulation and reception, focusing on some of the most original and representative authors of today such as Roberto Bolaño, Gabriela Cabezón Camara, Yuri Herrera, and Irmgard Emmelhainz, among others. The book also illuminates on the “materialitity” of literature and the strategies of literary marketing: festivals, book fairs, digitalization, and translation. Globalization and regional particularisms meet, then, in the symbolic territories of the literary world, and expose their dynamics and intrinsic negotiations.