
Debate: Digital Activism and Human Rights in Latin America. Nov 16, 19 hrs. KULeuven

Debate: Digital Activism and Human Rights in Latin America

7 – 9 p.m., Parthenonzaal (MSI 03.18), MSI, Erasmusplein 2, 3000 Leuven

Marieliv Flores (Hiperderecho, Lima, Perú)
Eugenia Mitchelstein (Universidad de San Andres)
Emiliano Treré (Cardiff University)

Hosts: Bert Cornillie and Silvana Mandolessi (KU Leuven)

Over the last years the internet has had a huge impact on the public debate and the political arena in modern societies. The role of social media in Latin American societies is no exception when it comes to the digital turn, characterized by enhanced visibility of popular protests and influencing of voters, amongst other things. Yet, the question is whether the digital technology indicates a real shift in the social protests. Are traditional power structures and their counterforces weakened or have they been reinvigorated by digital campaigns? Is the role of the traditional mass media downplayed or are the communicative conditions just diversified? Does the ecology of digital media differ from one country to another? This event brings together scholars and practitioners to discuss the role of digital activism in contemporary Latin American societies.
